Category: Hikers diary

Vampire Life: Week 1

Note before you start reading: All the people affected by my English, sentence framing and grammar… there there… Light, fire, heat and especially the sun is my Kryptonite. These things makes my skin burn, leaving me with scars for a lifetime. Hence I can come out of my Den only at Night. For the coming […]

Walking the Talk: Week one

Ever since a long time now, I think a lot and have not really done the true deep work. But then what is the real deep work about in life? What if I am just running toward fame? What if I chose the wrong field in terms of career and this is the reason I […]

Being Careless/careful V/S just caring

As I move to the final stages of my learning journey, the time has come when I can’t really afford to repeat my mistakes and not really learn from them. While my lack of capacity of doing proper research is one problem, my capacity of not really working with a plan is another. However, today […]

Me and my Grandmother’s(Nani) dari

I was ten when my Nani(Grandmother from my mom’s side) passed away. I remember being there at her home watching television alone, while everyone else was in the hospital by her side. She had suffered a heart attack. I remember thinking she will recover, how can she ever die. It was 2003 cricket world cup […]

2016- Turning point of my life

A year filled with so many twists and turns that only after it  ended did the realisation strike just how big a turning point the year had been in my life. As January descended so did the decision to not take a job & instead to let my passion for food & travel take over. […]

The two worlds

 Dated: Somewhere in November 2016 ‘I haven’t enjoyed my life since past six years, and trapped inside my house’. One of my very beautiful friend with tears in her eyes just hung up the phone after saying this. Beautiful I say for she is one from inside. She is always studying hoping to enjoy in […]