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Ahimsagram diaries: First gardening experience

We live in a corporate world where the ever shrinking concrete walls give us the image that we are  ‘protected’ from the outside world, making sure not to come in contact with even small amount of ‘dirt’. Defying this newly constructed culture I would love to get my clothes dirty, I wish to have the courage to play with soil, get closer to the nature, learn about how the food is grown, in fact maybe one day start growing my own food. Today’s gardening was a small step towards my dream.

Of Course having zero knowledge about the task at hand I got amazing guidance from Bhushan, the guy who introduced me to Ahimsagram and who has been a farmer for more than a decade. From getting to know about seeds of tomatoes & green chilly to learning about minute differences between seeds of beans and lady fingers, from learning the art of sowing the seeds to putting big chunks of ginger inside the garden in hopes to harvest plants, to becoming aware about the art of making compost, I got a lot of important life lessons.

The earthworms about which I used to be so skeptical in the past and would either run away from or would throw them away, were today allowed and in fact encouraged to live in this newly constructed garden. These earthworms helps in replenishment of the soil. I am not very big on high school science but then we all remember that earthworms help in nitrogen fixation.There are a lot of things to be learned. The lesson I learnt today was a small drop taken out of the sea, but like they say, there is importance of each drop in the sea.

So after putting seeds of ginger, lady finger, beans, tomato, green chilies, I finally rest like a patient farmer waiting for my seeds to grow, nurturing them like my child for next few days, hoping to see them grow in big strong beings (Which I can eat later on :P)

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