Letters to people

Babies day out

Babies day out

Location: Vinyasa dance ashram

Date: 29th October

Time: Late afternoon till sunset

Hey, this is a small idea I have that originated keeping my nephew in mind. Hridhan(my nephew) will be 2 yr old in December and I wish to see him grow in a world that is super cool, sustainable and artistic. I have noticed he likes to dance a lot but at the same time he spends a lot of time on mobiles/tab, this I feel is coz of the city lifestyle we are trapped in. I feel there are a lot of interesting things that are happening in Jaipur(preferably in the outskirts of Jaipur beyond the concrete jungle) and if engaged properly he will grow up in an ideal world. 

I believe that even you feel the same. Hence, sharing this if we can plan a day on 29th( there is also an event in Vinyasa later in the evening).

Here is what I was thinking for the day:

  1. Toddler movement class by Surbhi di at 3/4 pm.
  2. Stretching and relaxation using dance for parents and guardians. I am assuming all of you also get super tired with kids :P. Although we will have to pay some amount for this activity to support the person taking the class. But I wish to emphasize earning profit from babies’ day out is not the idea but rather making sure they grow in a beautiful world, also so that we as guardians get some support in a bit unconventional way. Also at the same time supporting the people doing good things in the world :).
  3. We can either have a small potluck somewhere in between. In case we wish to not make food, I can plan some simple soul food for everyone.
  4. Watch the sunset, trust me you will say thanks to me once we watch the sunset there and in the fresh air.
  5. Sunset gets over by 6:30 pm after which we are free to leave.
  6. Although in case you wish to stay back there is Zariya happening there from 7 pm onwards. There will be ticket charge of Rs 500 per person for the same. 
  7. Vinyasa dance ashram doesn’t allow smoking and alcohol. Hence I feel it makes the space more comfortable for the young ones.

Point of concern: I am wondering as there will be more people in the evening, I am scared the place will get too congested, but I feel there is a lot and lot of space and we can work it out in a safe way. Also, because there will be some prep work going on for the evening, I hope things doesn’t get rushy. An alternative to this plan is we can plan this thing on 30th, but I will personally push for 29th. Let me know what you think about it? Also, just wondering if keeping the time at 3/4 pm fine. So in total, we will be there for 3-4 hrs and whether be acha hoga. Plus udhar fresh air mast hai

The lineup of event happening in the evening:

  • Ice Breaking Game 
  • Drum Circle
  • Folk Music by my Papa’s toli 
  • Sustainable Fashion Ramp walk
  • Bachata Social 
  • Vinyasa Performing Arts company performance with live Music and Painting 
  • Attaching a link in case you wish to know more about vinyasa

P.s.: I like to send letters through my website, hence you are receiving it as blog. Just so you know, only people with link get the access of it

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